Wednesday, 3 March 2010

The story so far........

Been reading my old posts back and in my opinion they're crap, no wonder i dont get comments, so heres a new fresh start to the blog posting wise!
So far since i've returned to Full Tilt playing PLO25 (4 tabling) i've ran Superhot in at least one session a day, last night was no difference, earning another 7 buyins in a little over a hour, also completed the acquired 200 points for FTP's Iron man status and cleared another $20 off my $400 bonus ($60 cleared in total) steadily on target to clear the complete bonus before the time limit at the end of the month. So far for March i'm up 15 buyins, which along with the crazy $1k in 2 days swing at end of Feb see's me pretty comfortable to play PLO25 with close to 100 buyins, have yet to decide when to start to cash out profits or if to keep them in my roll and move upto to PLO50.

March stats so far from

Hands Played -3362
BB/100 - 18.15
Hot or Not - 83/100
Profit - $300

So yes i'm running hot, but the biggest factor i think thats helping me is i'm not tilting even when get sucked out on, i've suffered from tilt ever since i started playing poker, now i'm starting to believe i have it finally under controlled or at least subdued for a while.

Not sure who's hotter at the minute, my PLO or these two little beauties, LOL at the camp Geordie who got tattoed with Chery Coles name on his back 3 days before she split form Ashley and decided to go back to using her maiden name, whats up with Geordies and there badly timed tats, like the guy who got Andy Cole tattoed on him only to see him move to Scum Utd a few days later!


  1. I can never understand why people do that, they always come to regret it. There was a guy in my gym the other day with the burnley badge tattooed on his leg and Owen Coyle written underneath...

    Good work on the poker, how mant tables do you play? I am thinking of making the transition to cash poker at some point, it's so much more convenient.

  2. Currently playing 4 atm, moving to 6 if still consistently winning by mid march!
